Why do so many people that are good at making money lose all their wealth when they get out of business?
The answer’s simple: they lack the ability to retain money.
Just like making money is a skill, ensuring your wealth stays intact is also a skill.
In this episode, I’ll reveal on how to keep your money from being drained away by hidden leakages.
Tune in now!
Show Highlights Include:
- How having a ‘weak’ belief is creating a domino effect of constant failure in your life (and how to fix it) ([8:13])
- Fix these 3 leaks that drain your wealth away (even if you’ve made $XXXXXX in your career) ([10:45])
- How to save thousands of dollars on taxes incurred on your capital gains ([12:00])
- 2 interest hacks to grow your wealth passively without any major risk (Try this if you’re tired of horrible returns from mutual funds) ([14:28])
- Why not balancing a checkbook is costing you a fortune (and how you could put your extra money to pay for itself) ([15:31])
- How you can save hours on your shopping trip by paying $40 extra ([16:13])